Publisher: Chess Stars, 2018, Pages: 248, PaperbackThis book offers a…
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When I decided to write The Modernized Sveshnikov (June 2020) I knew that I was basically committing myself…
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"A Killer Weapon Against the Dutch Defense"
Once upon a time in Chicago...
My meeting with…
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"A Complete Repertoire for White"
I always had a dream of becoming a chess author. As my…
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Publisher: Quality Chess, 2008, Pages: 200, PaperbackThe King’s Indian Defence is one…
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"A Fighters Repertoire Against the Famous Sicilians"
From the first moment (about a year ago) when Mr.…
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Publisher: Everyman Chess, 2010, Pages: 224, Paperback "A repertoire for White in the Open Games" …
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"Using a Space Advantage in the Chess Opening"
Do you struggle to score against the Hedgehog and…
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Publisher: Everyman Chess, 2006, Pages: 222, PaperbackThe King's Indian and the Grunfeld…
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A comprehensive guide through the Najdorf Sicilian jungle that enables you to find your way to security and…
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This book advocates the 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 move order for Black with 3.Nc3 Bb4 having…
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This book advocates the 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 move order for Black with 3.Nc3 Bb4 having…
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Publisher: Everyman Chess, 2011, Pages: 304, Paperback"1 e4: Dealing with…
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Publisher: Everyman Chess, 2007, Pages: 224, PaperbackBeating Unusual Chess Openings is a godsend to…
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The Benoni is a chess opening that offers Black excellent chances to play for a win. One of…
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"The Tennison Gambit"
This is one of these old stories from chess history which can neither be…
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Publisher: Everyman Chess, 2006, Pages: 192, PaperbackBird's Opening is an underrated and dynamic choice for…
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This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing…
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During his long journey as a chess player and coach, GM Axel Smith came to the realization that…
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Publisher: New in Chess, Pages: 288, Paperback
"What’s White’s Advantage Anyway?"
Many chess players act intimidated…
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Artikel 61 tot en met 80 (van 925 artikelen)