Publisher: Chessbase, 2013, DVDWer kennt das nicht? Man hat sich…
- Model
- 9783866813786
Publisher: Chessbase, 2009, DVD
The Hedgehog is not just an opening, it is a system. A…
- Model
- 9783866811614
This DVD provides you with a repertoire of attacking lines against the four major defences to 1.e4 –…
- Model
- 4027975007014
Openings such as the London System and the Trompowsky, once considered side lines, are now just as common…
- Model
- 4027975008448
Publisher: Chessbase, 2015, DVD, DuitsDie Reti-Eröffnung hat einen glänzenden Ruf.…
- Model
- 9783866814639
Publisher: ChessonDVD, 2009, DVDVideo
Roman's Lab: Roman and Rybka
Perfecting the Opening Series
On this…
- Model
- 845029098221
Publisher: Chessbase, 2011, DVD The Scandinavian with 3...Qd6 could just as well be called…
- Model
- 4027975006826
Publisher: Chessbase, 2015, DVD…
- Model
- 9783866815018
"2nd Edition with repertoire suggestions"
In the all new ‘ABC of Chess Openings‘ International Master Andrew Martin…
- Model
- 9783866811232
Not quite a London System and not quite a Veresov. The unusually named ‘Barry Attack‘ lies somewhere between…
- Model
- 9783866818279
"An energetic and exciting repertoire after 1.f4"
Over the years I have often heard Bird’s players…
- Model
- 9783866817043
Publisher: Chessbase, 2017, DVD…
- Model
- 4027975008455
What is the Hippopotamus system of defence? The idea is that, at the beginning of the game, Black…
- Model
- 9783866818309
"An easy-to-learn but venomous weapon"
"People did not take 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3 too seriously until recently,…
- Model
- 9783866819030
Modern middlegame theory does not exist in written form. That is why players and trainers have to go…
- Model
- 4027975004952
Publisher: Chessbase, 2017, DVD"Winning with ...g6, ...Bg7 and ...c5!"The Sniper – officially created in…
- Model
- 9783866815933
Publisher: Chessbase, 2011, DVD The Vienna with 3.f4 is a very dangerous way…
- Model
- 4027975006758
The White Sniper is characterised by three moves against any black setup: 1.g3 2.Bg2 and 3.c4 though not…
- Model
- 9783866817616
Publisher: Chessbase, 2014, DVDModern tournament practice has virtually surpassed the…
- Model
- 4027975008059
Publisher: Chessbase, 2015, DVDModern tournament practice has virtually surpassed the…
- Model
- 9783866814806
Displaying 41 to 60 (of 66 products)