50 partijen van 4 wereldkampioenen ( Lasker, Capablanca, Aljechin, Euwe ) en hun rivalen, met originele analyses, voorzien…
The first of the three-volume set of Alexander Alekhine?s tournament and match games. Includes many crosstables and…
Amateur wird Meister ist der erste Band der längst als Klassiker geltenden Euwe/Meiden-Trilogie, die aufgrund der hervorragenden Sachkompetenz…
Grivas provides a full and detailed repertoire for White against five important openings: the Grünfeld, King's Indian, Benoni,…
(with autograph) "Chess is my life' is an English translation from 'Mein Leben für das Schach', which we reviewed…
Chess-players understand that it is vital to play logically, but often lack the methods needed to do so.…
First published in 1987 to overwhelming international acclaim, Jeremy Gaiges Chess Personalia has been called one of the…
The author begins with the evolution of the chessmen and traces their evolution as the game spread throughout…
Publisher: New in Chess, 2009, Pages: 280, Paperback Meer dan 85% van alle schaakpartijen begint met de zet 1.e4 of 1.d4.…
‘Fischer gets up, tall, overweight, and slightly clumsy. He tries to fulfil the duties of the host and…
Die bedeutendsten Partien der Schachweltmeister…
"Portretten" In de loop van zijn rijke carrière heeft grootmeester Jan Timman tegenover menige grote schaker gezeten.…
Mark Dvoretsky is regarded as the leading chess coach in the world, and in this…
Publisher: Olms, 2002, Pages: 220, Paperback Mark Dvoretzky is regarded as the leading chess coach in…
This third volume in Mark Dvoretsky´s course is devoted to questions of strategy, and is aimed at…
The second volume explains the basic principles of the opening, discusses how to build an opening repertoire…